Sterilised Whole Milk 1Litre

Delamere Dairy’s sterilised milk is simply heat treated, there are no preservatives involved and its nutritional value is the same as fresh milk. Sterilised milk can be stored in the cupboard for months before opening, and once opened, should be treated as fresh milk, refrigerated and consumed within three days.

You can use sterilised milk in just the same way as you would use fresh milk. Due to the heat treatment, sterilised milk has a slightly sweeter taste than fresh milk, making it particularly good in cooking. It makes a mean custard or rice pudding!

Delamere Dairy Sterilised Milk is available in reclosable plastic bottles from most supermarkets, and in glass bottles from your milkman.


  • Just 3.6% fat
  • Mild tasting, long-life product
  • Keep in the cupboard until you need it
  • Use exactly as you would use fresh milk

Nutrition Information

per 100ml1/2 pack per 250mlReference Intake (RI) Adult
Energy268kJ / 64kcal670kJ / 160kcal8400kJ / 2000kcal
of which saturates2.1g5.3g20g
of which sugars4.7g11.8g90g

300mg is 37.5% of an adults Nutrient Reference Intake (NRI)

Recycling Information

The bottles for our sterilised milk are made of HDPE (high density polyethylene) plastic and are widely recyclable, either with your kerbside collection or at your local recycling facility.