“Savannah has been getting stronger and bigger every day”

My name is Jacqueline Anne Parris and I own a small flock of native breed sheep, mainly Soay but some crosses.

This is a story about Savannah, a Soay cross Southdown ewe lamb born beginning of April 2022.

We live in Lincolnshire near the market town of Louth.

This year, one of our ewes, Sarah, had her first twin lambs.  The first baby to arrive was Snowy – a ewe (girl) lamb.  Sarah was very pleased with Snowy and started nursing her.

An hour later Savannah was born… but Sarah didn’t want her.

This is when I stepped in to look after Savannah with the help of whole Delamere Dairy goats’ milk – it is the closest thing I could buy to match ewe milk.

Savannah has been growing well and getting stronger and bigger every day with whole Delamere Dairy goats’ milk.

Savannah still lives with her mother, Sarah and her sister, Snowy. They are now all out in the field with the rest of the flock. I still go out to the field to feed Savannah her milk.