"It was a great relief when she took to goats’ milk so well." - Delamere Dairy

“It was a great relief when she took to goats’ milk so well.”

My 2-year-old daughter has been drinking your goats’ milk for just under a year. She was really struggling to transition onto cows’ milk. We had unsettled nights and lots of wind and tummy trouble. It was a great relief when she took to goats’ milk so well. She would proudly walk into nursery carrying her carton for the week ahead. Thankfully we have still been able to get hold of your milk during lock-down and the powdered version direct from yourselves. My daughter doesn’t mind that Mammy also enjoys it in her tea.

As you can see in the pictures, we don’t do dolls in our pram, we tend to use our toy goats instead. We are collecting our coupons for when it’s safe to send them in again.